The Dirty Streets of Brooklyn

Damoon Nikaiyn

IVDU High School




Cleanliness is an important standard of living that societies around the world and throughout history have adopted. It is often seen as a good indicator of the level of quality of life for the neighborhood. Unfortunately, many areas in Brooklyn have a substandard level of cleanliness and unacceptable amounts of refuse.


The residents of these areas of Brooklyn disregard their responsibility to maintain cleanliness in the neighborhood. Furthermore current policies are insufficient to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. This leads to unsanitary conditions, which leads to rodent and insect infestations, physical hazards, and a negative sense of city image.


Sanitary conditions on city streets are important, not just for maintaining health standards, but also for satisfaction of living and general happiness for the inhabitants.





Each student will be responsible for writing a structured poem from a form of their choosing (ie Haiku, Limerick, Sonnet, etc…). The students are responsible for researching the facts about the trash epidemic in Brooklyn and brainstorming possible solutions for the problem. The submitted poem will illustrate a solution the student has chosen or can possibly be part of the solution itself (inspiring positive action through art).




Each student will begin by researching the sanitary conditions in Brooklyn starting with the resources provided by the teacher. The students can use the internet to do further research into the topic until using other resources they find.


The students’ inquiry will follow the guide outlined by the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) and complete the worksheet for each step:


1.  Define the Problem- What is the problem?

2.  Gather the Evidence- Is this issue relevant? Where is the evidence?

3.  Identify the Causes- Why do student choose not to eat the school lunch?

4.  Examine and Existing Policy- What is the school rule regarding eating the school lunch?

5.  Develop Policy Solutions- What can we do? What are the top 3 solutions?

6.  Select the Best Policy- Using the Feasibility/Effectiveness Matrix select the best solution?




1.   Refuse Collection Policies in NYC - Link

2.   History of Poor Sanitation in Brooklyn - Link

3.   Brooklyn Composting Blog – Link

4.   Historical Solution to Trash Collection - Link

5.   DSNY Annual Sanitation Report (2011) - Link









All worksheets completed with accurate information

All worksheets completed with unsatisfactory information

Missing worksheets, worksheets not fully completed

Poetry Form

Poem follows rules of an established poetry form

Some mistakes in following the form of the chosen poetry form

Poem does not follow chosen form at all

Poetry Content

Poem clearly conveys solutions brought forth in PPA

Poem contains relative content, yet does not clearly convey it

Poem irrelevant to the assignment


The project is easy to read, there are no spelling errors

The project is either a little difficult to read, has a spelling error, or two

The project has two of the following: a little difficult to read, has a spelling error or two

Papers and deadlines

Awash in a sea of ink

Red overtakes black

-         Ellen Oh




Congratulations! You have completed this WebQuest. You and your classmates have examined a social problem, explored its causes, and proposed a feasible solution for the good of IVDU students.

You’ve learned the power that art can have to illustrate an issue and propose a solution in a creative and entertaining way. This can capture the attention of an audience which would generally be oblivious to important social issues.





New York Standards of Health - Link


Rules for Poetic Forms - Link


New York ELA Standards for Research - Link