The Economic Impacts of Global Warming



WebQuest by : Gina McIntosh 11X370




According to the National Climate Assessment, human influences are the number one cause of global warming, especially the carbon pollution we cause by burning fossil fuels and the pollution capturing we prevent by destroying forests. The carbon dioxide, methane, soot, and other pollutants we release into the atmosphere act like a blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm. Evidence shows that 2000 to 2009 was hotter than any other decade in at least the past 1,300 years. This warming is altering the earth's climate system, including its land, atmosphere, oceans, and ice, in far-reaching ways.

Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter.




Goals and Objectives:


1.     In this WebQuest you will become an expert researcher on the issue about the economic impacts on global warming.

2.     You will use the internet to look at different websites at existing policies on the economic impacts on global warming.

3.     You will create a pamphlet informing our society about global warming and its economic impacts on society.


You will use the Public Policy Analyst below to find evidence that will allow you to develop public policies that you think will reduce or eliminate this condition:


1. Define the Problem

2.     Gather the Evidence

3.     Identify the Causes

4.     Evaluate an Existing Policy

5.     Develop Solutions

6.     Select the Best Solution (Feasibility vs. Effectiveness)




1.     You will be placed into one of ten groups of either two or three people.

2.     After gathering information from the process and the resources below you will create a pamphlet using Microsoft word educating the public on the economic impacts on global warming.

3.     Each group will address the following in their pamphlet:

·        Definition of global warming

·        Informative statistics on the economic impacts on global warming.

·        Causes of global warming

·        Economic effects on global warming

·        Policies and methods to stop global warming

·        The benefits to stop or decrease global warming because of economic effects




The following sites will inform you on the topic in a variety of ways:











Your pamphlet should address all the aspects concerning the economic impacts on global warming mentioned above in the process section.


·        Definition on global warming

·        Informative statistics on the economic impacts on global warming.

·        Causes of global warming

·        Economic effects on global warming

·        Policies and methods to stop global warming

·        The importance of advocating of global warming



1.     The pamphlet should be creative and pleasing to the eye using visual images and different for added emphasis, while also being reasonable.

2.     The pamphlet should have distinguishable sections breaking down your information into different parts.

3.     Your pamphlet should consist of different policies that you created to show the economic impacts of global warming in our society.










Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings.

Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs.

Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed.

The information appears to be disorganized. 8)


Quality of Information

Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.

Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.


Internet Use

Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites.



No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors

A few grammatical spelling or punctuation errors.

Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.





By completing this PPA WebQuest on the economic impacts on global warming prevention you have now learned how to use policies and methods to decrease global warming.  You have also made the public aware by first informing members of your school community of the economic impacts on global warming.  You have also made the public aware by distributing pamphlet about the dangers of global warming.  As a Public Policy Analyst, you have identified the causes of the problem, provided evidence, researched the current policies, and created a prevention program.  As a result of this project, you have learned how to build public awareness by doing research within the classroom and by informing the public.




Common Core State Standards ELA











