Seneha Sinanaj

PS 122- The Mamie Fay School


Reducing Waste in Our School






Have you ever noticed the overflowing garbage can in your classroom? Did you ever look at what items are taking up space in your classroom garbage can? Papers, pencils, pens, book covers, torn up folders etc…?


A huge part of the waste collected by sanitation workers comes from large industrial complexes and what other facilities do you think? If you guessed schools, you're correct. Schools play a major role in the surplus of waste collected in our community.





Your task is to use the research methods you harnessed in class to tackle the issue of waste management in PS 122Q. The class will be divided into teams. Your team will research, build background information, collaboratively work together to resolve and identify practical solutions to this real-world problem. Some professions such as: Conservation Scientist and Forester, Energy Auditor, Environmental Engineer, Environmental Lawyer, and Environment Protection Technicians deal with challenges such as this. Your role in this task is to investigate ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle products to decrease the amount of waste accumulated in school on a daily basis. Finally, you will present your work to your classmates using google slides.





Day 1:



Building Background- Review the new vocabulary before delving into the project. Feel free to use Google translate to help with comprehension.


Vocabulary Review


*****Watch following videos:


*School Waste




*What can be recycled?


After reviewing the vocabulary and videos- stop and jot down what pollution means to you, your classmates, your school, and your community (Astoria). Use google slides to record and gather information from EACH team member.


*Sentence frames/starters:


-          Pollution means……

-          Pollution affects my classroom environment because….

-          Pollution affects our school because…..

-          Pollution can have major effects on our community because…..


Day 2:




Identify causes and effects: What is being thrown away? Which rooms have the most trash? Why? What are the effects on our environment? People/students? Staff? As a result of the uncontrollable waste.


*****Watch following videos:


*Statistics/Recent Studies






*Paper helpful or harmful?


After watching videos, discuss the answers to questions stated above. BE SURE to use your google slide to record your responses to the questions using DATA FROM what you have researched thus far.


*Sentence frames/starters:


-          Data based on pollution in school reveals that ….

-          To prevent classroom waste people can…

-          Accumulated waste in our school impacts… Because….


Day 3:


Identifying a Solution:


*After reviewing the data you collected from Day 1 and Day 2- Your team needs to come up with practical solutions to the waste management issue. On your google slide record the solutions your team has come up with. You will present your findings to the class.



*Sentence frames/starters:


-          To tackle this problem some strategies could be…

-          To reduce waste, we can …

-          Alternatives to throwing away bottles, paper, and etc. are…

-          Our solution best solves this challenge because….

-          Evidence reveals that…….


Day 4:


Presentation Day!


Each audience member needs to listen and come up with two questions to ask the presenters. In turn the audience will ask YOU two questions when your presentation time comes. Listening and speaking is a major part of your NYSESLAT examinations. This challenge will help support test preparation. Be mindful of the questions you ask. Please use our in depth question chart and try to incorporate higher level questions.











After reviewing your work, I would like to congratulate all of you on a job well done. Your presentations reflect the work of real-world environmental protection agencies. You have effectively executed the role by providing evidence from the videos and various credited online resources. Your work mirrors the rubric and standards set forth to guide your research. Your writing skills incorporate tiered vocabulary that is content specific and used in the correct context of the task. Your voice, tone, pronunciation, or verbal speech during presentations exhibit the amount of practice and review done to effectively deliver the presentation in a way that is comprehensible to your peers. The big takeaway of the waste problem is to review the kinds of products someone purchases and brings to school to determine whether or not it can be reused or recycled in a way that it won't end up in the garbage can after a single use. The idea that one should think before they buy turned out to be the most cost-effective way to save schools from the issue of unnecessary waste that affects the school environment. Once again, congratulations!







New Language Arts Progressions (NLAPS)