How can students identify different types of bullying, and address them effectively in our school?


Dimitrios Liapis



P.S 85 is having a schoolwide issue of students bullying other students.  All kinds of bullying are taking place including verbal, emotional, physical, and cyberbullying. Bullying is a serious mental and physical health crisis which affects young people throughout their school day. A child’s willingness to attend school and extra-curricular activities are affected, as well as their grades. A main response that our guidance department has encountered when addressing this issue is that they are just "joking" or "fooling around," but to the person being bullied, these “joking” actions cause pain and anxiety. This has inspired a schoolwide “What is Bullying?” initiative. Bullies need to be educated and ultimately seek counseling to understand the damage they are causing. This initiative will also inspire our students to be able to identify and ultimately terminate these tyrants’ negative effect on our school community. This is where our schoolwide “What is Bullying?” initiative begins!



As part of our “What is Bullying?” initiative our fifth-grade student-citizens are being called on, to educate their fellow students on what bullying is (types), why it happens, and how to stop it. As we are educated more on this topic it is our goal to ultimately watch bullying incidents decrease schoolwide. In order to educate your fellow students about bullying, you must first educate yourself on one type of bullying.  Once you have researched the topic, you will create a presentation on the topic.  Your presentation can be in the form of an informative poster, PowerPoint/ Google Slide or Canva presentation.  In addition, you will create a brochure to distribute (with approval from the principal and your teacher) covering your bullying topic.   You will ultimately be expected to present your information to other students in your class, and if chosen, to present to the entire school at our next “Respect for All'' assembly.



Using the PPA Process, you will follow the six steps to solving the problem of bullying by identifying the different types, in order to address it in our school. The six steps of the PPA Process are: define the problem, gather the evidence, identify the cause, evaluate the existing policy, develop a solution, select the best solution.


1.   Define the problem & 2. Gather the evidence


Students are bullying other students in our school throughout the day. What exactly does this mean? What types of bullying can we identify?


Watch the video about bullying to learn about the types that occur in school:

Click the link:


Create a circle map to brainstorm/gather evidence of the different types of bullying that occur in our school that are mentioned in the video?

Types of bullying to include:

·      *Verbal Bullying

·      *Physical Bullying

·      *Emotional Bullying

·      *Cyberbullying

·      *What Targets of Bullying Can Do

·      *An Overview of Bullying

·      *Why Bullies Bully

·      *Bullying in Our School


 3: Identify the causes

 What causes bullying in school?

Watch the video and then make a circle map to brainstorm ideas on the causes of bullying?

Click the link:


4. Evaluate an existing policy.

Let's look at some recommendations in this video on how to stop bullying based on studies that have found that 1/3 of all students are bullied:

Click on the link:


Complete this accompanying worksheet while watching the video:


5. Develop a Solution

    Students will use the circle maps created / videos and resources provided to pinpoint and present the different types of bullying that occur in our schools. (via their platform of choice Informative Poster,PowerPoint, Canva, Google Slides)

    Students will communicate their solutions to the types of schoolwide bullying by presenting it to their class and creating an informative brochure

    Students' work will be evaluated by the attached rubric.

    School wide “What is Bullying” initiative

    “Respect for All” Assembly


Resources Created by and for teens, this website is a place for middle and high school students to find ways to address bullying:

This website teaches students who are  being bullied, things you can do to keep yourself and others safe from bullying:

Kids Against Bullying: Here's a site that helps your kiddo learn how to spot and stop a bully. It's super interactive, with games, stories and other links:





1.   Why is identifying types of bullying important?

2.   What is bullying and how does it affect students?

3.    What are some solutions to solve school wide bullying?



5W2b: Develop a topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other relevant information; include text features, illustrations, and multimedia to aid comprehension.

5SL4: Report on a topic or text, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support central ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace and volume appropriate for an audience.