Sea Turtles


Arlene Fuerst



Nearly all species of sea turtles are now classified as endangered, with three of the seven existing species being critically endangered.  The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is committed to stopping the decline of sea turtles and works for the recovery of the species.




         Sea turtles need you to help them.  You and your group will learn the names of 7 different sea turtles.  Your group will create a Flipgrid to Save the Sea Turtles.  You will explain how plastics are a danger, then advertise our class recycling drive.  We will collect all the change from the recycling  then use the proceeds towards either donating to the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, Florida or we can “adopt” a sea turtle.  Our contribution helps provide food and medicine for a sea turtle.




Using the PPA Process you will follow the six steps to solving the problem with sea turtles.  The six steps are to define the problem, gather the evidence, identify the cause, evaluate the existing policy, develop a solution, and select the best solution.      

Define the Problem

After reading The Adventures of Gary & Harry by Lisa Motsomuto, we learned of the challenges sea turtles face in the sea.


Gather the Evidence (Days 1, 2, 3)

There are 7 Living Species of Sea Turtles.  Five live near the Florida Waters.   One lives in the Pacific Ocean, And one lives near Australia.  With your group, click to learn about each turtle and name 1-2 interesting facts.

Green Sea Turtles

Leatherback Sea Turtles

The Hawksbill Turtle


Kemp Ridley

Olive Ridley







Identify the Causes (Day 4)

Click on the links below to learn about the challenges sea turtles face for survival.

Plastics vs Sea Turtles

Light Pollution


Evaluate an Existing Policy

Now that you have learned about the challenges sea turtles face, watch the following videos to learn more about how to help turtles.


Protecting Sea Turtles

How to Save Turtles


Conservation Policies




Develop Solutions

With your group, create a Flip Grid commercial highlighting the turtle of your choice and how we can help their survival by recycling and using the funds to donate to the turtle hospital.  Remember to use the information from your research.











Not There Yet!

Group Work

Always provides useful ideas when working in a group with peers.

Sometimes provides useful ideas when working with a group and in class discussions.

Rarely provides useful ideas when working within a group and in class discussions.

Knowledge of Content

Has a good understanding and knowledge of the topic.

Has some understanding and knowledge of the topic.

Has limited understanding and knowledge of the topic.

Presentation of Content- FlipGrid

The purpose of the FlipGrid is clear and maintains focus throughout the video.

The purpose of the FlipGrid is somewhat clear and maintains focus throughout the video.

The purpose of the FlipGrid is not clear and does not maintain focus throughout some of the video.

Presentation of Content- Research Writing

Research writing included all components:

Research writing includes some of the components.

Research writing does not include any of the components.

-name of a sea turtle and it’s description

- describe challenges sea turtles encounter.





We learned about why sea turtles are considered to be an endangered species. Let us reflect on what we have learned through these questions:

      * What are the names of some sea turtles?

     * How are sea turtles becoming endangered?

     * What are some ways that we help the sea turtles



Social Emotional

2.  Establishes and sustains positive relationships

            C. Interacts with peers

3.  Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations.

  1. Balances the needs and rights of self and others


8.  Listens to and understands increasingly complex language

9.  Uses language to express thoughts and needs.

  1.  Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
  2. Speaks clearly 

10.  Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills.

  1. Engages in conversations
  2. Uses social rules of language


11.  Demonstrates positive approaches to learning

  1.  Attends and engages
  2. Persists
  3. Shows curiosity and motivation

Science and Technology

25.  Demonstrates the knowledge and of the characteristics of living things.