Are you bored at recess?

laptop wave


Ms. Di Sunno



    At our school we have encountered some issues with recess. Our school aides are trying really hard to make recess an enjoyable experience, however many students claim they are bored. The school aides need your help to make recess fun for all!


It is your responsibility to find out why students are bored at recess and what activities they will find fun. Once you determine how to fix this problem it is your job to write a persuasive letter convincing the school aides to take on your suggestions.




        Using the PPA Process, you will solve the problem of boredom at recess.

       Define the problem: Children are stating they are bored at recess. Why do you think students are bored? Ask them!!!

       Gather the evidence/Identify the cause: Create a survey, ask your classmates and friends why they are stating they are bored at recess. Create a bar graph with the top 4 reasons they are bored. Identifying the cause of their boredom will help you fix the problem.

       Existing Policy: Survey your classmates finding out the positives of recess?(their favorite activities) Create a second bar graph showing the activities they enjoy at recess.        

       Develop a solution: How can you make recess more fun:

Here are some ideas but feel free to think of your own.   

       Recess Games

       7 Indoor Recess Ideas for Elementary Classrooms

       25 Fun Indoor Recess

       Never Have I Ever Game | Brain Break | Indoor Recess Activities | Twinkl USA

       How to Play Hopscotch - Equipment Free PE and Recess Games

       How to Play Four Square - Phys Ed and Recess Game (Striking and Receiving)

       Finally, decide on the idea you think your classmates would  like best and write a persuasive letter to the school aides convincing them to try it at the next recess.Persuasive Writing for Kids - Episode 1: What is It?   







 Now that you wrote the letter to the school aides, did you convince them? Have you seen your idea implemented at recess? If so, ask your friends if they are finding recess more fun? If it hasn’t been implemented yet, be patient, maybe the school aides are trying to figure out how to implement your idea. You can follow up with them and politely ask if they gave your letter any thought yet.



ELA: 3W1: Write an argument to support claim(s), using clear reasons and relevant evidence.

MATH: NY-3.MD:  Represent and interpret data. Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Civic Participation:

        Identify the role of the individual in opportunities for social and political participation in the class, school, or local community.

       Show respect in issues involving difference and conflict; participate in negotiating and compromising in the resolution of differences and conflict.

       Identify social and political responsibilities at the classroom, school, and community levels.