Fostering Student Inclusivity in Schools

4th Grade

Vicky Ageletopoulos



Have you ever witnessed students purposely go out of their way to exclude or bully their peers at school because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or because they perhaps may have special needs or disabilities? Unfortunately, this is a problem that has become more apparent in schools now, more than ever.

Simply put, student inclusivity provides all students a fair chance to attend school to learn and develop the skills needed to thrive in life without fear of bias or prejudice.

With that being said, this brings us to the "Fostering Inclusivity at School" Webquest!                      In this interactive online journey, you and your group will explore various ways to contribute to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment for all students. The goal in this webquest is to empower students with the knowledge and skills to promote and celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion within their school community, rather than criticize, demean or fear it.


TASK: Promoting Inclusivity Through Art (1-Week Project)

You and your group will be asked to research and examine reasons why students are left out or bullied, and the ramifications this has on those marginalized groups of students. 

Artistic Expression & Public Display:          At the end of your WebQuest, you will express the importance of inclusivity through creating an artistic piece (e.g., painting, drawing, OR multimedia presentation) that represents the theme of inclusivity.  Write a brief artist statement explaining the inspiration behind the work.

Share your artwork within the school community.  Consider organizing an art exhibition or collaborating with the school's art club to showcase inclusivity-themed pieces.



Examine the reasons why students are left out or bullied and the repercussions this leads to in those marginalized groups of students.

       Explore real-life examples showcasing diverse student populations in schools.

       Identify challenges that diverse populations of students may face in a traditional school setting.  

       Identify feelings these marginalized students feel as a result, and how that manifests itself and impacts their social emotional and mental health.

       Brainstorm solutions & strategies to address these challenges and promote a more inclusive atmosphere.

       Create an artistic poster, painting, or digital presentation celebrating diversity and inclusivity of all students. 

       Follow PPA Steps  below


             PPA STEPS


       How do we get students to be more inclusive of other students who are “different” than themselves?

             STEP #2: GATHER THE EVIDENCE (Day 2)

       Create questionnaires to discover reasons why students are being excluded and/or bullied and how that impacts marginalized students.

       Research the effects of how feelings of bias and prejudice impacts the social-emotional health of students.

             STEP #3: IDENTIFY THE CAUSES (Day 3)

       What are the causes? What are the consequences?


       How do currently get students to be inclusive of students who are different from themselves without fear and prejudice?


       Brainstorm ideas with your group


       Set classroom norms

       Set rules for unacceptable behavior

       Promote Social Emotional Learning

       Create safe and supportive learning environment

       Diversify course material

       Promote accessible learning spaces

       Promote collaboration

       Use inclusive language

       Promote restorative circle practices

       Peer support

               STEP #6: SELECT THE BEST SOLUTION (Day 6)

     Which is the best solution?  






In this WebQuest, you've explored reasons that cause some students to feel marginalized, excluded and at times even bullied.  You’ve researched the many consequences this can create for these students on their social-emotional and mental health.  You’ve explored the multifaceted aspects of inclusivity and developed practical skills to foster a more inclusive environment within your classes, school and community. Remember, small actions can lead to significant positive change!!!!  You are now equipped to be an agent of inclusivity in your educational journey!!!!



      ISTE Standards for students 1.2

      ISTE Standards for students 1.3