Butterflies in Danger

Class 103

K. Dzieciol




I am an insect with six legs.

I have big colorful wings.

I grow in a cocoon.

What am I?

Click here to find out!


How many butterflies do you see in our Woodhaven community?

                 Is it like this picture?                      Or is it more like this picture?



Did you know that butterflies are in danger?!

Click here to see how they are in danger



Let’s talk about vocabulary from the video:

The butterflies are declining

They are endangered

A monarch butterfly’s food is milkweed


Did you know YOU have the power to help butterflies? That’s right!

At the end of this WebQuest, you will help butterflies by coming up with a plan to help save them in our community!

Start thinking ahead!


Begin thinking about your plan to save the butterflies by:

a)  Creating a poster explaining what you think our community should do to help the butterflies.

or b) Planting milkweed plants to help the butterflies.



(Day 1)

Define the Problem - What is happening to the butterflies in our community?


Gather the Evidence - How do we know there are less butterflies?


(Day 2)

Identify the Causes - Why are there less butterflies in our community?


Evaluate an Existing Policy - Is there anything being done to help the butterflies? (Discuss as a whole-class)


(Day 3)

Develop Solutions - What are some things our community can do to solve this problem?


Select the Best Solution - What can YOU do, in our community, to help the butterflies?



My Success Criteria


       I can create a complete sentence explaining what the problem is

       I can highlight the sentence(s) to show proof of the problem

       I can explain why the butterflies are in danger

       I can think of ways that our community is helping the butterflies

       I can discuss with my classmates why we would save the butterflies

       I can think of ways we can help save the butterflies

       I can choose one activity to complete that helps save the butterflies



Let’s have some fun and see what we learned!


Each group will present to the class how they can save the butterflies in our community


Science: 1-LS1-1. Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.


Listening & Speaking: 1SL1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults (e.g., in small and large groups and during play).