“Say No To Bullying”

A WebQuest designed by: Ms. King






You are playing sight word bingo with your classmates. One of the students keeps taking one of your markers off of your game board. You say stop. But he/she continues to bother you and laughs at you. This happens every time you play Bingo.



You are at recess playing tag. A classmate that is not playing tag with you keeps on running up to you and pulling your hair. You say stop, but he/she continues to pull your hair and runs away laughing. This happens every day.



You fall down in the cafeteria while walking to your seat with your lunch tray. Your food lands on your face and clothes. Everyone in your class laughs and teases you. During lunch time, no one wants to sit next to you anymore. All the students laugh and tease you daily.

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? These are situations in which a student is being bullied. Click on the word “bullying” below.





When you are finished with this project, you will have to create a play with your teammates. Additionally, you will have to create a pamphlet. 




Use handouts to record important information.

1.Define the problem

At P.S. 194 students are bullying each other.


2. Gather the Evidence

Click on the word “Statistics” to see how much bullying is going on in America.


Click on the word “survey” to complete our survey.





3. Identify the Causes


Why are students bullied?                

Click on the words below!

4. Evaluate an Existing Policy

5. Develop Solutions

What to do if you are being bullied

6. Select the Best Solution


How to create an informational pamphlet

Your pamphlet should include:

  1. Your name
  2. Date
  3. Definition of bullying
  4. Research that proves bullying is a problem
  5. Causes
  6. Schools consequences for bullying
  7. Solutions for bullying




Rubric for pamphlet

        Research Report : Bulling

        Teacher Name: Tiffany King


        Student Name:     ________________________________________






Amount of


All topics are addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences

about each.

All topics are addressed

and most questions

answered with at least

2 sentences about each.

All topics are addressed,

and most questions

answered with 1 sentence

about each.

One or more topics were

not addressed.

Quality of


Information clearly relates to the main

 topic. It includes several supporting

details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates

 to the main topic. It

 provides 1-2 supporting

 details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates

 to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.

Information has little or

nothing to do with

the main topic.

Internet Use

Successfully uses suggested internet links

 to find information and navigates within

 these sites easily without assistance.

Usually able to use

 suggested internet links

 to find information and

navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Occasionally able to use

suggested internet links

 to find information and

 navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Needs assistance or

 supervision to use

 suggested internet links

and/or to navigate within

 these sites.


Rubric for dramatic play

        Story Telling : dramatic play

        Teacher Name: tiffany king


        Student Name:     ________________________________________







Uses a varied vocabulary appropriate for the audience, and also successfully tries to enlarge the audience\'s vocabulary.

Uses a varied vocabulary that is appropriate for the audience.

Uses a varied vocabulary that is occasionally a little too simple or a little too hard for the audience.

The vocabulary was not varied OR was routinely inappropriate for the intended audience.


The main characters are named and clearly described (through words and/or actions). The audience knows and can describe what the characters look like and how they typically behave.

The main characters are named and described (through words and/or actions). The audience has a fairly good idea of what the characters look like.

The main characters are named. The audience knows very little about the main characters.

It is hard to tell who the main characters are.

Solution to Problem in Story

The solution to the problem is easy-to-understand and is logical. There are no loose ends.

The solution to the problem is easy-to-understand and is somewhat logical.

The solution to the problem was a little hard to understand.

No solution was attempted or it was impossible to understand.




Bullying is a serious dangerous act of violence. After completing this project you should be able to identify bullying when you see it. You should also know what to do when you are being bullied. Most importantly you should be able to make the right decision when bullied.





Ccls 1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

Ccls 2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.



Ccls 2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.


Social Studies


Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments, the

governmental system of the U.S. and other nations, the U.S. Constitution, the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy, and

the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

