Gang Resistance



A Web Quest By

Danielle M Nicoletti


Villa Maria Academy



Introduction:  You have just approached the bus stop on East Tremont Avenue to board the bus.  A group of youths approach you and demand that you hand over your North Face Jacket.  Shocked and frightened, you reluctantly remove it and give it to them.  The next day at school you approach your teacher and inform her of what happened.  Concerned for your safety and the safety of the other students, she contacts Officer Tassa who is in the process of providing the students with a Gang Resistance Program.  With his help, you and your peers will develop a policy to prevent any other students from being victimized by local gangs.



Task: Your objective is to research the problem of Gang Violence in our community.  You will use the Internet to research what has been done throughout the state to deal with this issue. You will be responsible to find the causes and effects of Gang Violence and what can be done to rid society of this terrible victimization.  You will then create a policy to be implemented in your school community to prevent such harassment.  You must also complete a three to five page report based on your findings.



Process:  You will be working in groups of three to four students.  You will use the 6 steps of a TIPS Public Policy Approach and the accompanying worksheets to assist you in developing a public policy that you think will reduce or eliminate this condition.


1.  Define the problem

2.  Gather evidence

3.  Identify causes

4.  Evaluate a policy

5.  Develop solutions

6.  Select the best solution





Public Policy Analyst Website:


Search Engines:







Evaluation Scale:


5        Well focused, organized, good support of main ideas; almost no mistakes in capitalization, punctuation, or spelling.


4        Thorough, organized unto paragraphs

in a clear order; details support each main idea, but more support is needed.  Sentences vary in structure and flow smoothly.


3        Complete, substantial work; the

Beginning may not clearly introduce the topic, and the conclusion may be weak or missing.  More focus needed, there are some mistakes in grammar.


2        Work not complete, not detailed; little

organization, more supporting details needed.  Most sentences are simple.  Many grammatical errors.


   1 Incomplete work, no organization, main

      ideas are not clearly stated; report

      shows little or no research and effort.


5        90-100

4        80-89

3  74-79

2  65-73

1  64 or below



Conclusion:  Upon completion of this project, you will have a better understanding of the social problem of gangs.  You will have begun to create a public policy leading to solutions to prevent student victimization by local gangs.