Why Study A Foreign Language?


Many students at NSJH do not see the relevance of learning a foreign language.



Mrs. Deckman


Level II Spanish







Why should I learn Spanish, French or German or any language other than English? 


As a student, I have so many classes to take and requirements for graduation… why foreign language? 


Wouldn’t my efforts be better served focusing on my other subject areas? 


Perhaps you have thought or even spoken any of these questions.  If you have, you are not alone!


For the next two classes, you are going to be examining the benefits of learning a second language.





You and a partner are going to research the importance and relevance of studying (and essentially learning) a second language. 


There is a lot of information and research available online.  You are going to be required to sort through the relevant information that is most important to you.


With your research you are going to come up with the top ten reasons to study a foreign language.  This will be presented to the class in a PowerPoint presentation.





Each pair of students will create a “Top 10” list as to the importance of studying a foreign language.  This will be completed in the form of a PowerPoint.  You will use the worksheets provided in the links to help you organize your report.  You and your partner will be required to hand in your completed worksheets at the end of the project.


The steps we already discussed in class are as followed:


Step 1:  Define the social problem

Overall, many students at NSJH don’t see the importance in learning a second language.


Step 2:  Gather the evidence

Use the links below to help you find information about learning a second language. 


Step 3:  Identify the problem


Step 4:  Evaluate the problem


Step 5:  Develop solutions


Once your PowerPoint is developed, you and your partner will present it to the rest of the class.  You will need to print out a copy of the PowerPoint in the form of handouts.  I will make copies of this to give to the other students. 


Extension:  You and your partner can also make a decorative poster of your “Top 10” list to be displayed in the classroom. 





Learning a Second Language: When & Why


Teaching Language for National Security and American Competitiveness


Benefits of Language Learning


Destiny Quest












Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.

Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time.

Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time.

Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost.


Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material.

Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed.

Content is logically organized for the most part.

There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.


Covers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent.

Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good.

Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors.

Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.


All requirements are met and exceeded.

All requirements are met.

One requirement was not completely met.

More than one requirement was not completely met.


Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.

Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.

Uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking.

Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit.


Total grade ______/20 pts 




New York State Standards


v  Standard 2: Cultural Understanding

v  Standard 1: Language for Information & Understanding

v  Standard 3: Language for Critical Analysis & Evaluation

v  Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship & Government

v  Standard 5: Technology