Problem:  Language Barrier

Seņora Daniels
Spanish 1 B

Introduction:  You will be staying with a Spanish host family in Madrid.  They want to make your stay with them as easy as possible.  They have contacted you through e-mail and would like to know what your daily routines are throughout the day so that they can accommodate you.

Description: Description: academic,blackboards,chalkboards,check it out,education,instructors,males,men,people,persons,pointers,pointing,points,professors,schools,teachers,text,web animations,web elementsTask:  The family only understands Spanish.  Therefore, you will make a PowerPoint Presentation which includes pictures of yourself explaining your daily routines in Spanish.


Step 1:  Fill out the PPA form and the Organization Outline

Step 2:  Review routine vocabulary words at  QUIZLET 

Step 3:  Research the reflexive tense at  Rocket Language  and  123 Teach Me 

Step 4:  Take pictures using the MAC camera on the computers illustrating daily routines.  Instructions are at  E-HOW

Step 5:  Use the pictures to create a PowerPoint Presentation using the Organization Outline.

Step 6:  Post them to my website at  Student Projects







Slide 1

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 2

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 3

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 4

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 5

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 6

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 7

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.

Slide 8

Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.

Includes few errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Includes many errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Slide in not complete.


                                                                                                                        Total:  ______ * 4.2 = ______



Rocket Language 

123 Teach Me 


Student Projects


Students now can communicate in Spanish with their Spanish Host Families.  The family will be able to accommodate them better knowing their daily routines.

New York State Standards for LOTE:


Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.


Standard 2: Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.