Did the Great Depression Increase Social Inequity?


A project Critical Web Quest designed by

Verna Reid

The Frederick Douglass Academy

New York City, NY 10039





          The Great depression started in the U.S. after the great stock market crash in October of 1929; it lasted until the start of World War II in 1939. Many Americans who lived through that era feel it was the worst time in the nation’s history. Like all major economic activities the Depression affect some people more than others. In the South the Depression hit an already poor region particularly hard. People living in small towns had few resources to fall back o and suffered greatly. This hardship was further enhanced by rigid class standards and racial segregation. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee portrays these problems well. As a class we will study how conditions of the Depression affected all Americans, but especially those in the rural South.




Review your class notes as well as hand-outs on chapter questions form Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. You will recall that one of the central characters, Jean (Scout) Louise Finch could not fathom why her Aunt Alexandra didn’t wish for her to associate with her schoolmate, Walter Cunningham. Walter was from a very poor family and the Great Depression had a tremendous impact on the Cunninghams both socially as well as financially. Your task is to research the social as well as the economic impact of the Great Depression on Americans. You will consider some of the policies and programs developed to deal with the Depression and analyze the effectiveness. You will also consider developing specific programs that might have had a direct impact on the people of Maycomb Alabama. In addition you are to create a power point presentation chronicling a timeline of major events and include graphics that depict the struggles/hardships of the Great Depression.




The class will be divided into groups of five.  Each group member will be assigned one of the following roles by the teacher:

Researcher-you will make sure that each member of the group thoroughly researchers all of the websites in the research section

Team Leader-you will be responsible for making sure that all members of the team contribute to the final presentation and that all members do their work.

PowerPoint Coordinator-you will work with the members of your group to create the final PowerPoint presentation making sure you include all of your research. You are required to include a timeline plus graphics (total of 5) that depict the struggles /hardships of the Great Depression.

Spokesperson-you will present the PowerPoint for the group.  You will be prepared for any questions because of your work with the group and through your research.

Public Policy Analyst-you will make sure that all members of the group do the work necessary to complete all of the worksheets.  You will be responsible for completing the worksheets for the group.

Your group will complete the four-step American History Public Policy Analyst (AHPPA) using the AHPPA website.  You will also complete the worksheets below to develop your policy recommendations on ways of preventing discrimination in America in the 1930s.

Use the Resources below to find information to complete your projects and worksheets


Be sure to also use the American History PUBLIC POLICY ANALYST for reference and worksheets as directed by your teacher.

A.    Identify the problem

B.   Gather the evidence

C.   Determine causes

D.   Evaluate the policy





Some readings and graphics about the Great Depression


The Socio-economic Effects of the Great Depression in the United Sates


http://s4.hubimg.com/u/2592879_f260.jpg http://drake.marin.k12.ca.us/academics/comacad/decades%2000/1930's/Homelessman.gif 
















“The Great Depression was a very difficult time for most Americans. The lack of job security also caused political conflict within our nation. There were many political conflicts apparent during this era.   Growing social inequality among different social  classes caused people belonging to the lower class to desire change in the way the government taxes in order to balance the nation’s wealth. Racial Inequality was everywhere. Though the Bill of Rights had already been passed and black men had the same legal rights as white men, much inequality still existed between them. It was almost impossible for a black man to get a job in a white man’s neighborhood or even work for the same wages. Thus social inequalities were more prevalent than ever”


One area that caused conflict for every working person in America was job security. It became such an epidemic that it was the main topic of FDR’s First Inaugural Address. During the Great Depression America was in a financial slump in which it was hard for anyone to make money, and without a job it was almost impossible. In his speech FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.” With a working force America will produce more goods and with it more money. He also said that “In order to safeguard the resumption of work two things must be insured.” These things were strict supervisions over loans and provisions for an adequate yet sound currency. (Roosevelt)



Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama during the Great Depression. The Finch family (the central characters- Atticus-father, Jem and Scout-Atticus children) fall rather high up in the social hierarchy, while the Ewell family falls at the bottom. However, this hierarchy only includes whites. Maycomb's black population falls beneath all white families in Maycomb, including the Ewells, whom Atticus labels as "trash".

Scout understands this social structure, but doesn't understand why it is so. She believes that everyone should be treated the same, no matter what family they are from. For instance, when she wants to spend more time with Walter Cunningham, (her schoolmate) Aunt Alexandra vehemently objects saying no Finch girl should ever consort with a Cunningham. Scout is frustrated by this, as she wants to be able to choose her own friends based on her definition of what makes a good person.



Some Websites that will assist you



















Needs Improvement


Completion of Worksheets

 Fully understand the social problem, its causes and public policy that arose from it, and fully completes worksheets

Good understanding of social problem, causes, and public policy.  Completion of worksheets

Satisfactory understanding of social problem, causes, and public policy. Substantially completes worksheets.

Minimal understanding of social problem, causes, and public policy.  Failure to complete worksheets

Completion of Power Point Presentation

Full completion of 6 power point slides with pictures, graphics and meaningful text

Professional looking power point presentation, with 6 slides, plus some pictures, graphics, and meaningful text

Completed power point presentation with some pictures, graphics and meaningful text.

Partially completed power point presentation.  Absence of sufficient pictures, graphics, and text.

Oral Presentation (power point)


Full presentation of power point slides.  Each group member presents one or more slides.

Good presentation of power point slides.  Two out of 3 group members present slides.

Satisfactory presentation of power point slides.  1 of 3 group members present slides.

Presentation of power point slides.

1 of 3 group members present slides.


Group worked together on all projects and handed in signed group summary .

Group worked together on most projects and handed in signed group summary.

Group worked together on most projects but failed to hand in group summary.

Group did not work well

A= 20-17              B= 16-14              C= 13-11              F= 10-1




By having completed this WebQuest you have successfully worked through the four-steps of the PPA and have advised the committee on improving the lives of others by eliminating discrimination. 

You have research the problem using the steps of the PPA.  You have also created a PowerPoint presenting your research findings and you proposal for new policy to fix the problems.





1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.

3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.