The Attrition Rate of First and Second

Year College Students From New York City

Ms. Karim


The Choir Academy

12th Grade





The principal is aware of the high graduation rates of students from this school. You may have seen some of these graduates walking down the school’s corridors or have sung with them in the choir. Consequently, she is very concerned that a large proportion of our school’s graduates are facing difficulties in their adjusting to academic life during their first and second years of college life.  As a result, many graduates are dropping out of college.






You are part of a five member consultant group hired by the school to research the issues behind this problem. You will evaluate the reasons why college students are having difficulties navigating the first two years in college. You will present a position paper with accompanying statistics and data to the Principal.










A.  You will work in a group of five


B. The group will be comprised of the following positions: Team Leader, Statistician, Researcher, Writer and Presenter.


C. Responsibilities of each team member are as follows:

         Group Member #1: Team Leader is responsible for insuring each member is on task and providing assistance to any member when called upon.

         Group Member #2:  Statistician is responsible for obtaining the numbers, percentages and other statistics needed for documentation.


          Group Member #3: Researcher is responsible for identifying, locating and securing primary and secondary sources.


          Group Member #4: Writer is responsible for pulling together the research and developing the final draft.


          Group Member #5:  Presenter will be the groups “face” and will present the final product to the Principal.


D.  Although each team member has a specific role, all members are responsible for assisting other team members where necessary in order to produce an excellent product.


E.   Use the to complete the project:

         1. Identify the problem

         2. Gather the evidence

         3. Determine causes

         4. Evaluate the policy

         5. Do a comparative analysis


F.      Use the websites provided in the Resource section for more information.


G.     The position paper should be no more than five (5) typed, doubled spaced pages. Use a font of 12 for the type in Times New Roman.  You must include, where applicable, citations and a bibliography




Bureau of Labor Statistics


Bureau of Labor Statistics and Drop Rates for Freshmen in College






Dropout Dilemma


Manhattan Institute for Policy Research


Books on Google-Trade Secrets for College Admissions



Position Paper Rubric








Incorporates relevant outside information.  Includes relevant facts, examples and details, but discussion may be more descriptive than analytical.

Incorporates limited or no relevant outside information.  Uses some facts, examples and details, but discussion is more descriptive than analytical.

Presents no relevant outside information.  Presents few facts, examples and details; simply restates contents of the documents.

Presents no relevant outside information.  Attempts to complete the task, but essay demonstrates a major weakness in organization.


Communicates with full control and understanding of the conventions of English grammar and usage.  Experiments with sophisticated language and varied sentence structures.

Writes a satisfactory developed essay, demonstrating  a general plan of organization.  Restates the theme in the introduction and concludes with a simple restatement of the theme.

Communicates with partial control and understanding of the conventions of English grammar and usage.  Uses familiar language and simple sentence structure.

Communicates with a lack of control and understanding of the conventions of English grammar and usage.  Uses inappropriate and/or incorrect language and sentence structure.


Establishes and maintains clear focus: evidence of distinctive voice and appropriate tone.

Focuses on a purpose, evidence of voice and suitable tone.

Attempts to establish and maintain purpose and communicate with the audience.

Limited awareness of audience and purpose.

Policy Development

Depth and complexity of policies supported by rich, engaging and pertinent details; evidence of analysis, negotiation, reflection and insight.

Depth of policy development and success of negotiation supported by elaborate, relevant details.

Lack of elaborated policy development, unelaborated or repetitious details, little evidence of successful negotiation.

Minimal policy development, limited or unrelated details, no evidence of successful negotiation.

Real World Reference

Frequent reference to international treaties, international organizations and real-world stakeholders.

Numerous references to international treaties, international organizations, and real-world stakeholders.

Some references to international treaties, international organizations, and real world stakeholders.

Few references to international treaties, international organizations and real-world stakeholders.

Source for Position Paper Rubric: UNAUSAMUN


Oral Presentation Rubric








Shows a full understanding of the topic and uses many examples.

Shows a good understanding of the topic and uses some examples.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic and uses few examples.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well.

Speaks Clearly

Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, and mispronounces no words.

Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, but mispronounces one word.

Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. Mispronounces a few words.

Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces many words.


Individual Rubric







Individual Work in a Team

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to keep people working well together.

Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Does not cause "waves" in the group.

Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group but sometimes is not a good team member.

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Often is not a good team member.

A=32-29    B=28-24    C=23-19    D=18-16    F=15-0




By completing this WebQuest you have helped your Principal understand some of the obstacels confronting first and second year college students.  You have used the Internet to help you thoroughly research the problem.  You have worked in a group to write a position paper that you presented to your Principal.  You have also learned the six steps of the Public Policy Analyst.  Hopefully, you have gained knowledge that will help you be successful in your college endeavor.




Standards: This WebQuest meets the standards for English Language Arts, StandardS, 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Social Studies Standard 4, Economics and Standard 5, Civics, Citizenship and Government.