The North American Black Bear:
An Endangered Species


The Choir Academy



picture of Black Bear Cub Safety Yellowstone National Park Image

Photo of a cute Black Bear cub in a tree in Yellowstone National Park, a safety area while left alone for short periods of time.


Bear-a-mania we’re missing you. What does Yogi and Boo Boo, Smokey the bear and the North American Black bear have in command? They all are endangered.



As member of the National Wild Life Preservation Society (NWLPS), you have been asked to design a three minute PowerPoint presentation to create discussion around policy to help save these animals. The NWLPS would like you to submit a hard copy of this PowerPoint presentation to The Agency of Wildlife and Animal Affairs.


photo of Black Bear Cubs Tree Climbing Yellowstone National Park



You will be assigned to a group.  Each group member will have a specific task to accomplish as follows:


·       Leader-will be responsible for keeping the time frame, collecting the materials and assuring that all the group members are actively participating


·       PowerPoint developer-will take the ideas and final feedback of the group to develop the Power Point presentation.


·       Research-will be responsible for making sure that the final presentation incorporates the research that group did to come up with their solution.  Make sure that citings are made at the end of the PowerPoint, complete with web links.


·       Public Policy Analyst-will make sure that all of the steps of the Public Policy analysis are completed and recorded on the six worksheets


·       Presenter-will present for the group to The Agency of Wildlife and Animal Affairs


Along with the information from the text and the resources, follow the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) six step processes.

Complete the worksheets and allow them to guide you with your policy paper, power point, and public awareness project.


1.   Identifying the problem (Worksheet #1)-

2.   Gathering Evidence (Worksheet #2)

3.   Identifying Causes of the problem (Worksheet #3)

4.   Evaluate the Policy (Worksheet #4)

5.   Develop a Solution to the problem (Worksheet #5) 

6.   Selecting the Best Solution (Worksheet #6)




1.   Black Bears, Black Bear Pictures, Black Bear Facts - National

2.   Black Bear - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

3.   Smoky Mountains black bear facts

4.   Tips for Living with Black Bears | The Humane Society of the ...

5.   living with bear for internet

6.   National Wildlife Federation

7.   Kids' Planet ESPECIES Animal Fact Sheets



You will also receive a grade for your work as a group member:


Excellent 100-90 (4)

Very Good 89-80 (3)

Satisfactory 79-65 (2)

Unsatisfactory 65-Below (1)

Ideas and Content

Problem clearly identified and thoroughly researched

Problem identified and reasonably well researched

Problem identified

Problem identified but research is lacking

PPA Usage

All six steps of the PPA  are clearly addressed and all worksheets correctly completed

All six steps of the PPA are addressed  and most worksheets correctly completed

Limited research

Incomplete worksheets

 Quality of Information

Information clearly relates to the main topic.  It includes several supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main topic.  It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.

Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.

 Internet Use

Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites.       


We worked will as a team. We each did our jobs. We all contributed  equally. We solved our problem creativity                

We worked reasonably well as a team. We did our jobs. We helped each other, when needed. We  got the job done.

We had a rough start. Needed intervention at least two times. Completed the task with assistance.

We needed direction most of the time. We struggled with every component of the process. Final project looked rushed.


Each group member will receive a grade for the power point and the presentation.



You have now learned the importance of maintaining a balance with nature. Your investigations may have helped the Black Bear population to continue to grow in New Jersey. This investigation and presentation has helped bring a voice to the cruel and unnecessary killing of the Black Bear population. As an animal rights activist and Public Policy Analyst you have taken the first step towards creating a connection between science and technology in the support of the living environment.

The WebQuest uses the following Science and Technology




Life Sciences Concepts – Standard 2

·         Demonstrates understanding of populations and ecosystems and the effects of resources and energy transfer on populations.

Scientific Thinking- Standard 5

·         Identifies problems; proposes and implements solutions; and evaluates the accuracy, design, and outcomes of investigations.

·         Works individually and in teams to to collect and share information and ideas.

Scientific Communication- Standard 7

·         Represents data and results in multiple ways.

·         Argues from evidence.

·         Critiques published materials

·         Explains a scientific concept or procedure to other students

·         Communicates in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.

Technology Standards – Standard 5

·         Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.




Photos 1 & 2 taken from

Photo 3 taken from

Rubric design used by Ms. Abgail Hope, HS of Arts and Technology;