Web Quest

Violence in Schools

By Ms. Jackson

C.S. 133




Have you beaten up a classmate today?





Don't be a bully!








Keep your hands to yourself! How many times have we heard our mother and or teacher utter those words to us? I am sure we all have heard this. However, for some reason many students don’t listen.

 Why do more and more students resort to violence when it comes to resolving disputes? Is this a reflection of our society? Does the violence in the streets, on television, on the radio and in the home teach children that violence is the only solution?

 Each year, 3 million young people in the United States fall victim to crimes at school. Almost 2 million of these incidents involve violence. What can we do to help students learn how to resolve conflicts?

 Our school, C.S. 133 has seen a marked increase in the number of incidents involving violence. We really need your help!  You have been assigned to be an advisor for Principal Craig to find a solution to this problem using the P.P.A. She is seeking your advice on any possible solutions you believe will be effective.

You will be working in groups to brainstorm ideas you have that you think will rectify this problem. Your school is counting on you. We really need your help.







        Your task will include four key components:


First, you will have to use the internet to view sites relating to school violence (see names of sites under resources). You will then take this information to help you complete the Public Policy Analyst worksheets (see worksheets).




Second, after you decide on your possible solutions to the problem you think will be effective demonstrate these ideas using a poster.


Third, you will have to write a two page report of your findings (attached will be your PPA worksheets).


Fourth, you will have to present an oral presentation of your findings to Ms. Jackson and the class that should take at least 8 minutes long.







        The class will be divided into groups of five. Each member of the group will have a specific role in the group.

1)   Researcher- This student will use the internet resources in the resource section of the web quest to find solutions to the problem.

2)   Orator- This student will present the oral presentation for the group with input from all members.

3)   Group Leader- This person is in charge of making sure all students are on task.

4)   Artistic Director- This person will develop and design the poster with input from all members.

5)   Writer- This person will write out a report of the group’s findings with input from all members.





·       Identify the nature of a social problem

Here you will define the social problem of school violence

·       Gather evidence to support the existence of the problem

Here your will find evidence that the problem exists

·       Determine the causes and factors contributing to the problem

Here you will find causes for the problem of school violence

·       Evaluating existing public policies

Here you will find public policies that have been used in the past

·       Developing public policy solutions

Here you will develop solutions in your group

·       Selecting the best public policy solution

Here you will decide on the BEST solution to the problem of school violence


3: You will use the INTERNET sites in the resource section to complete the PPA worksheets.

4: The group members will make certain that each worksheet is completed accurately and in detail.

After the six worksheets of the PPA are completed, your group will then complete the task. You PPA worksheets will be handed in with your report.

-    Discuss your essay with team members.

-    Decide upon the best answers for EACH worksheet.







Defining the problem and solutions


Symptoms of School Violence


List of Violent Schools


Guide to Getting Along


Peer Mediation


Conflict Resolution Lesson






School Violence Evidence

























Written Tasks













Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings.

Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs.

Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed.

The information appears to be disorganized. 8)

Amount of Information

All topics are addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.

All topics are addressed and most questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.

All topics are addressed, and most questions answered with 1 sentence about each.

One or more topics were not addressed.


All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format.

All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format.

All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format.

Some sources are not accurately documented.

Paragraph Construction

All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.

Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.

Paragraphs included related information but were typically not constructed well.

Paragraphing structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs.

Internet Use

Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites.

Diagrams & Illustrations

Diagrams and illustrations are neat, accurate and add to the reader's understanding of the topic.

Diagrams and illustrations are accurate and add to the reader's understanding of the topic.

Diagrams and illustrations are neat and accurate and sometimes add to the reader's understanding of the topic.

Diagrams and illustrations are not accurate OR do not add to the reader's understanding of the topic.



Oral Presentation Rubric:









Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others.

Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others.

Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked.

Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.


Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.

Speaks Clearly

Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words.

Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word.

Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word.

Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word.


Student uses several props (could include costume) that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better.

Student uses 1 prop that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better.

Student uses 1 prop which makes the presentation better.

The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation.

Stays on Topic

Stays on topic all (100%) of the time.

Stays on topic most (99-90%) of the time.

Stays on topic some (89%-75%) of the time.

It was hard to tell what the topic was.


Shows a full understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well.



Congratulations! You have helped Principal Craig, your school, your community and your fellow students. You should have learned from this web quest that school violence is a critical social problem and must be addressed by all involved. School violence creates a threatening atmosphere that prevents each citizen’s “unalienable” right to education. You have also learned the importance of the “public policy analyst” in our democratic society. The PPA analyst can evaluate critical social problems and find solutions that can benefit all of us in America. We need more of these critical thinkers to make our democracy safe and viable. We thank you for your participation in this web quest. Let’s hope you made a difference and let’s hope you will make a difference in your future academic endeavors.






Standanrd 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.

Standard 3:   Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Students will listen, speak, read, and write for critical analysis and evaluation. As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to present, from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.

Standard 4:   Language for Social Interaction

Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.




Standard 3:

The student will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live- local, national, and global- including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.

Standard 5:   Civics, Citizenship, and Government

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.


Applied Learning




Problem Solving


Design a Product, Service, or System: Identify needs that could be met by new products, services, or systems and create solutions for meeting them.


Improve a System: Develop an understanding of the way systems of people, machines, and processes work;
troubleshoot problems in their operation and devise strategies for improving their effectiveness.

Communication Tools and Techniques


Make an oral presentation of project plans or findings to an appropriate audience

Information Tools and Techniques


Gather information to assist in completing project work.


Use information technology to assist in gathering, organizing, and presenting information

Learning and Self-management Tools and Techniques


Learn from models.


Keep records of work activities in an orderly manner.



Tools and Techniques for Working With Others


Work with others to complete a task.


Show or explain something clearly enough for someone else to be able to do it.