It’s summer time in New York City!!!


So what do you want to do?  Anything as long as it is out of the city, right?  Some place cool, some place nice, some place with trees everywhere!


This is a common idea and it makes a lot of sense.  New York City is very hot and humid in the summer time.  You are either out in the heat or stuck indoors all day with the air conditioner. If you want to sit under a cool shading tree you might walk anywhere from 2 to 20 blocks only to find that all the shade is occupied. 


Trying to take a short day trip to the beach or to the mountains can take hours to get there and hours to get back home (and the ride back may be so hot it may not seem worth the trip).  If you’re not sweltering in the heat, the increased air pollution during this time inflames your little sister’s asthma and makes your grandmother circulatory problems more dangerous.


Many of your friends, family and neighbors are moving. Moving away appears to solve all the problems; somewhere else must be cooler, somewhere else smells better or at least must be less populated.  Somewhere else, there is a better quality of life for you and your family.  The city politicians and bureaucrats have not improved your community, they believe that is the job for private development, but when private development improves a lot or block they charge high rents just to recoup their investment. Besides, everyone is moving.


You, however, know that the lack of urban greenery is a problem not just in New York, but in many urban areas around the world, (I mean really, what do people do when the need to build a house? Cut down trees!)  You don’t want to move only to encounter the same problems in a new place.


So what do you do?  Organize and participate in a community activist group.  The group’s task is to research the connection between urban greenery and quality of life, then educate the people in the community about what  they can do to improve both, and finally convince someone in the government that it is the elected government’s  responsibility to help the community improve their own neighborhood, as well as the landowner’s responsibility.  It is your job to help solve the lack of greenery in New York City, by doing so you not only help yourself, but could possibly save the lives of thousands.  We’re counting on you!  Good Luck!!!




As a community activist you and your group will:

*      present a persuasive power point presentation to your community

o       presentation must include

§         supporting evidence that identifies the problem

§         provide a feasible immediate solution with maintenance requirements (monetary or otherwise)

§         Outline of long-term plans for the future

*      Presentation should contain 15-20 slides

*      A 10 minute oral presentation to the community and later to the governmental body you identified as relevant to your cause

*      Create educational bulletins  (at least 2) for the residential and business communites that outlines the benefits of urban greening and the cost of implementation.

*      Each member of the group will be required to write a three page minimum essay explaining the findings using the six-steps of the Public Policy Analyst format.  This typed report is a separate assignment.


Remember, you want the whole community on board so you have to convenience them that there is not only a problem, but also a good solution.  You also need to convenience your chosen governmental body that Urban Greening is not just the responsibility of landowners.




As a member of the New York City Urban Greening Group (NYC-UGG) you will work with your team to thoroughly research the problem of the lack of green space in urban settings.  Each person on the team will have a task as follows:

            Group Leader

            Creative/Graphic Artist





You will follow the six steps of the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) to help you make your policy recommendation. 

1.     Identifying the Problem, and  Worksheet #1

Define the problem that is being addressed.  What are the adverse effects of the problem.

2.      Gathering Evidence, and  Worksheet # 2

How do we know this is really a problem or that this “problem” really affects the community negatively.

3.      Identify Causes of the problem, and  Worksheet # 3

What is the cause or why does this problem persists.

4.      Evaluate the Policy, and  Worksheet #4

What policies already exist that address the problem.  What are the pros and cons of any existing policies.

5.       Develop a solution to the Problem, and Worksheet #5

What new public policy do you wish to create.

1.     Selecting the Best Solution, and  Worksheet #6

Decide with your group the best policy to use for the problem.  Make sure to discuss how your policy addresses deficits in existing policies and/or take advantage of what other policies offer.






v     YAHOO

v     GOOGLE

v     ASK      |pg:1



Below are just a few existing urban greening programs of NYC.  Information found at these and other sites can be used to guide your own activist’s goals.

v     Living Memorials Project

v     Greening A Block   `

v     NYC.GOV – Greening East Harlem



The following websites are useful for: Literature search of professional articles and texts (background information), finding speakers, printed media, and video media that can be used to educate your group and the community and locating “factoid” sheets to help educate the community, governing body, and business community in your area.




v     Human Dimensions of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening  - University of Washington

v     Openlands Project







Very Good









Public Policy Analysis

Problem clearly identified and thoroughly researched


All six steps of the PPA are clearly addressed and all worksheets correctly completed

Problem identified and reasonably well researched



All six steps of the PPA are addressed and most worksheets correctly completed

Problem identified with limited research.



All steps of the PPA are addressed, but worksheets could be improved on.


Problem identified but research is lacking




Incomplete worksheets.



Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and sentence structure.

The group is knowledgeable and can answer questions with high degree of accuracy.


Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or sentence structure.

The group is knowledgeable and can answer questions with a moderate degree of accuracy.

Well organized, but illogical sequencing and sentence structure.


The group is knowledgeable and can answer questions with a minimum degree of accuracy.

Poorly organized.


The group is not knowledgeable and cannot answer questions with accuracy.


5 or more creative slides that include animated graphics and sound

5 or more slides using color graphics, clear and annotated

5 slides with some graphics, slides are too busy

Fewer than 5 slides, not clear and no graphics




Image strong enough to communicate ideas with or without text

Image requires text to communicate.

Image not clear about the message you are trying to communicate

Incomplete art assignment.

Educational Bulletins

(min 2)

Well organized, presents relevant information of the benefit of urban greening and implementation costs.  Strong graphics that attract the “client” and highlight important points.  No spelling or grammatical errors.

Well organized, presents relevant information of the benefit of urban greening and implementation costs.  Strong graphics that attract the “client” and highlight important points.  1-2  spelling or grammatical errors.

Not well organized, presents most of the relevant information of the benefit of urban greening and implementation costs.  Graphics are not that attractive or do not highlight important points. 3-4  spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Poorly organized.  No graphics or unattractive, colorless graphics that do not highlight important points.  Missing relevant information of the benefits of urban greening and/or the costs of implementation.  Contains more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Written Report

(Separate from PPA)

All of the required topics are addressed thoroughly in the report.  Content is accurate and ideas are supported well by research. Includes a proper reference page. No spelling or grammatical errors.

All of the required topics are addressed in the report; however, some topics could have been researched more thoroughly.  Content is accurate.  Includes a proper reference page.

All of the required topics are addressed in the report; however, some topics could have been researched more thoroughly.  Content is accurate.  Includes a reference page; however some information is incorrect or missing.

All of the required topics are incomplete, the report and the research is incomplete.  Reference page is missing or inaccurate.

Total Possible Points: 12                                 Total Points Earned: ____

1. 10 – 12 = A              3. 7-9 =C             5. 3 -0=F            

2. 11 -- 7   = B              4. 4-6=D





As a result of your research you will be able to identity the benefits of urban greening for the residential community,  business community and the local government.  Your group will present a well research powerpoint presentation that educates and inspires all to reach out and lend a hand to bettering the community.  The project will also include a immediate and long-term time frame as well as the cost to “green” the neighborhood.  Finally, you and your group will develop educational materials for the community and a public policy that outline short-term and long-term goals useful for your immediate neighborhood and surrounding ones as well.






English Language Arts:

E1C: Read and comprehend informational materials

E3B: Participate in-group meetings



S2a: Structure and function in living systems.

S5c: Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop description

S5f: Works individually and in teams to collect and share information