Childhood Obesity





Ms. Mack

MS 321-Minerva Mirabal School of Law and Journalism  


Teenage obesity is one of the biggest health problems facing teens in the USA. Forty percent of NYC students are overweight. Candy machines in schools, McDonald’s and king size candy bars all contribute to this problem. The Snapple juice machines that replaced soda machines in schools are a way that NYC is trying to combat the teenage obesity problem. You and your peers are going to act as peer educators on the topic of Obesity in teens. You will do research on the problem of obesity and create a poster for your peers with practical ways to prevent obesity.









You will work in groups of three and use the steps of the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) to research the problem of childhood obesity and devise possible solutions to the problem. Each group will receive one grade so all group members are responsible for the quality of the work. You will create an educational poster based on your research. Additionally, each student will prepare a report on the topic of 1 ½ pages.



Process and Resources




The class will be divided into groups of THREE

Each member of the group must fulfill his given responsibilities. The group will decide the roles for each member using the outline below. Each group member will be responsible for the individual assignments but there will be a group grade for the story board and oral report

2: Individual responsibilities for group members

Student # 1: Researcher-This student will do the research, with help of other members. He/she will search the Internet and gather information that will be used to complete the worksheets. The information gathered will be focused on destruction of the South American rainforest and its affects on the future of the planet.

Student # 2: Presenter- This student will be responsible to convey the group findings to the class. He/she will be the main speaker in the Oral Presentation and will assign others their subordinate roles for the oral presentation. The story board should be used as part of this presentation. The presenter will coordinate the oral report but all members will take part in some form.

STUDENT # 3: This student will be responsible for construction of the project story board. He/she will get input from all group members.

NOTE:  Each group member should do individual research whenever possible. As a group, you will complete the worksheets (steps) in the Public Policy Analyst.




In order to create your poster, you will follow the steps outlined below. Clicking on the underlined word will explain what you need to do for each step. Each step includes a worksheet and should translate into a section of your report. Your teacher will hand out paper copies of each worksheet. Each group must complete one set of worksheets that will serve as an outline to your paper and will let me know that you are in fact working on your project. You will earn two points for each completed worksheet. Each step is followed by a hyperlink that will take you to research related to that step. DO NOT copy the information directly from these pages. You are encouraged to do additional research on your own.


1. Define the problem. (worksheet1)  Be sure to define the term ‘obesity’ and include a description of BMI. 

Resource 1

Resource 2

Resource 3


2. Gather evidence of the problem (worksheet2) (use the above resources)


3. Find some causes for the problem (worksheet3)

Causes of teenage obesity

Causes of childhood obesity

Obesity in NYC schools


4. Look at the current policies associated with the problem and list the positive and negative aspects of the polices (worksheet4) In this section be sure to look over the current menus offered to students in the schools in terms of their nutritional value.

Nutritional Policies in NYC schools 1

Nutritional Policies in NYC schools 2

NYS physical education requirements


5. Come up with NEW policies that you think will help solve the problem.(worksheet5) In this section you need to consider various ways meals in schools could be improved to reduce the chances of obesity developing in students.


6. Choose the best policy. (worksheet6)


Click here to search for pictures that you would like to include in your pamphlet.


III. Writing the Persuasive Essay


    This should be a well-written essay whose goal is to persuade the reader to undertake steps that will lead to healthy eating and weight management. Your essay should be factual and interesting to the reader. It is a good idea to add pictures, illustrations, etc. to make your essay more attractive. Be sure to hand the essay in on the assigned date. 




You will be graded as a group according to the rubric below. Your score for each aspect of the assignment will be summed and you will receive a grade of A-F.












Worksheet 1






Worksheet 2






Worksheet 3






Worksheet 4






Worksheet 5






Worksheet 6






Defining the Problem

Problem defined incorrectly.

Problem defined incompletely, no mention of BMI.

All aspects of problem clearly defined.

Definition of problem reflects clear understanding of problem.


Gathering Evidence of the Problem

No evidence of problem cited.

1 piece of evidence included.

2 pieces of evidence included.

2 pieces of evidence included. Evidence is particular to NYC high school students.


Determining Causes of the Problem

1 cause mentioned.

3 causes mentioned.

3 causes specific to NYC high school students mentioned.

4 causes specific to NYC high schools mentioned.


Looking at Current Policies

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.


Practical Solutions Included in Poster?

No practical solutions included.

One practical solution included.

More than one practical solution included.

Multiple practical solutions that would appeal to high school students included.


Scientific Content of Poster

There is no reference made to class material.

Reference is made to biochemical molecules.

Biochemical molecules are included when discussing practical solutions.

Practical solutions include specific amounts of biochemical molecules.


Visual Appeal of Poster

Pamphlet is hand written without color.

Pamphlet is typed without pictures.

Pamphlet is typed with pictures in black and white.

Pamphlet is typed with pictures in color.


Level of Poster

Not appropriate for middle school students.

Appropriate for middle school students but not well organized.

Appropriate for middle school students and well organized.

Appropriate for middle school students, well organized and will grab the interest of middle school students.








Total Score






Letter Grade

A = 44 - 38

B = 37 - 34

C = 33 - 29

D = 28 - 27

F = < 27


Rubric for Persuasive Essay










Persuasive essay


Mentions the topic, but is disorganized and/or is written in poor English.

Essay deals with the topic, but is too generalized to be persuasive to the reader. There are many errors in English usage.

Essay is specific and well written on the middle school level. However are some flaws in English usage, content or persuasiveness.

Project is complete persuasive and well written, with no major flaws in English usage. 

Total Score





Letter Grade









By the time you complete this webquest, you will be familiar with the problem of childhood obesity in NYC. You will critique current social policies dealing with this problem and will come up with practical solutions to this problem based on your knowledge of the causes of childhood obesity and your knowledge of typical teenage behavior.




NYC Performance Standards Science:

S4c Demonstrates an understanding of health.

S4d Demonstrates an understanding of the impact of technology.

S4e Demonstrates an understanding of the impact of science.


S5a Frames questions to distinguish cause and effect; and identifies or controls variables.

S5c Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, explanations and models; and makes appropriate adjustments and improvements.

S5d Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers, and critiques alternative explanations; and distinguishes between fact and opinion.

S5e Identifies problems; proposes and implements solutions; and evaluates the accuracy, design and outcomes of investigations.

S5f Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.


S6a Uses technology and tools to observe and measure objects, organisms, and phenomena, directly, indirectly, and remotely, with appropriate consideration of accuracy and precision.

S6d Acquires information from multiple sources.

S6e Recognizes and limits sources of bias in data.


S7a Represents data and results in multiple ways

S7b Argues from evidence.

S7c Critiques published materials.

S7d Explains a scientific concept or procedure to other students.

S7e Communicates in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.


Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences:

Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment: Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Standard 3: Resource Management: Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.


English Language Arts:

Standard 1:   Language for Information and Understanding

Standard 2:   Language for Literary Response and Expression

Standard 3:   Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation