European Leadership During the 11th Century:

Invading the Middle East- The Crusades

A WebQuest by:

Ms. Michelle Grant

Thurgood Marshall Academy

9th and 10th Grade Global History





There were conditions that existed in Europe during the 11th century that lead European leadership to believe that Christianity as a religion was facing a serious threat. European leadership saw this threat in the spread of Islam in other parts of the world; specifically in the region of the Holy Land of Jerusalem.  This lead to the European Crusades




You are a dignitary on a fact-finding mission into a region of the Middle East (Jerusalem).  You have brought three other team members with you.  For this mission you will have to do research and fact finding to determine what caused the conflicts, known as the Crusades, between the Europeans and the Muslims of the Middle East, particularly those in Jerusalem.  Once you have found gather your information, you will work with your team to create your bulletin board.


Each member of the group will have a role as follows:




Bulletin Board Designer

Public Policy Analyst




Step 1:

You will be assigned to work in a group of 4 people.  You will use the worksheets described in the Public Policy Analyst worksheets to record your research.  These worksheets can be found using the links below and are to be used to help you complete your project. 


Use the following guidelines to prepare your presentation.

·        Research the websites

·        Gather your information from the websites, your textbook, class notes, and handouts given to you in class

·        Use the 5-step public policy approach to examine the accomplishments, challenges and the reasons why this civilization weakened:

1.      Identify the problem.

2.      Gather your evidence for the problem.

3.      Determine the cause for the problem.

4.      Evaluate the policy.

5.      Do a comparative analysis.



In preparing your bulletin board, each member of your group will contribute information on the following worksheets:

1.        Identify problem

2.      Gather evidence

3.      Determine causes

4.      Evaluate the policy

5.      Comparative analysis



         During class time you will meet with your group and will work to design and create your bulletin board.  Each group will put their bulletin board up for display in the classroom.




European leadership became aware of various territories that had come under Muslim control as early as 711 a.d.

The leadership of the Christian faith in Europe started to rally support of the common people to reclaim Christian

control of the holy lands.




Each group will be graded according to the following table:










Needs Improvement


Completion of Worksheets

 Fully understand the social problem, its causes and public policy that arose from it, and fully completes worksheets

Good understanding of social problem, causes, and public policy.  Completion of worksheets

Satisfactory understanding of social problem, causes, and public policy. Substantially completes worksheets.

Minimal understanding of social problem, causes, and public policy.  Failure to complete worksheets

Completion of bulletin board

Full completion of all of the assigned tasks with pictures, maps and meaningful text

Professional looking board with all of the assigned tasks with pictures, maps and meaningful text

Completed of board some of the assigned tasks and meaningful text.

Partially completed board and text.


Group worked together on all projects and handed in signed group summary (or spoke to teacher about any group issues).

Group worked together on most projects and handed in signed group summary (or spoke to teacher about any group issues).

Group worked together on most projects but failed to hand in group summary (or spoke to teacher about any group issues).

Group did not work well together (and did not speak to teacher about any group issues).

A= 30-25           B= 24-20           C= 19-15           D= 14-10           F=9-1




New York State’s Learning Standards

Standard 2:   World History

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

Standard 3:   Geography

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.




By working on this WebQuest you have learned about the crusades in the Middle East during the 11th Century.  You have also complete all of the steps in the Public Policy Analyst.  You have also conducted research using the Internet and have translated that research into information on a bulletin board in your class.  You have also worked as a member of a team and have been responsible for completed all of the task.