A Web Quest for Participation in Government

(Grade 4)

Ms. Jennifer Cuyson

P.S. 175

Henry Highland Garnet School for Success


Vote or Die!

How can we convince young Americans to vote?





In America, many people don’t vote, especially the young adults ages 18-24.  What could be causing the young adults not to participate in the voting process?  How can you help these young Americans understand that their votes could help change their ways of living?




You have been asked by the MTV committee on “Vote or Die” to research the reasons why young Americans do not vote.  They have asked you to write a one page essay describing what you would do differently to get the young voters to vote in 2008.  You will also create a poster that will encourage these young voters to get out and vote.




You will have four things to do for this project.


Step One:

You will research for the answers to the following questions described in the Public Policy Analyst listed below . 


      #1- Defining the Social Problem

            #2- Gather evidence of the problem

            #3- Identify the causes of the problem                                                                

            #4- Identify and evaluate the existing public policies

            #5- Developing public policy solutions

            #6- Selecting the best public policy solution


Step Two:

Using the Internet links in the Resource section below do research to find out why young Americans are not voting.


Step Three:

Write a one page essay answering the following questions:

  1. What do you think about voting?
  2. If you had the opportunity to vote tomorrow in a presidential election, would you
  3. What percentage of your voting-age friends and family do you think voted in November?
  4. Why are Americans, especially young people not voting?
  5. Can just one single vote make a difference? Back up your answer with three reasons or examples:

Step Four:

In a group of 4, you will be creating a poster using Microsoft Word that will encourage these young adults to vote.











Your group will be graded based upon the following rubric.








Page is well written and answers the questions.  References are used.

Somewhat well written and the answers to the questions are somewhat answered.  Some references are used.

Very little written and a few of questions are answered.  Few references are used.

Nothing is written and no questions are answered.  No references are used.


Poster is well organized.  Information is clear and addresses the topic.

Poster is somewhat organized.  Information is somewhat clear and somewhat addresses the topic.

Poster is incomplete of information and the topic is not clear.

Poster is irrelevant to the topic and does not answer the questions.




New York State Social Studies Standard 5:

Civics, Citizenship, and Government

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.


New York City English Language Arts Standards

E1c  Reads and comprehends information materials.

E2a   Produce a report of information.

E3b  Participate in group meetings.

E7b  Produce functional documents appropriate to audience and purpose.




By completing this webquest, you have researched the topic of why most young Americans do not vote.  You have used the six steps of the Public Policy Analyst to propose a new policy solution for this problem.  You have written a one page essay answering key questions.  You have also worked in groups to create a poster to get out the young voters.


        Congratulations!  And remember – when you turn 18, go out and vote!!!