Ms. Ericka McGhee

Henry Highland Garnet School for Success

Sixth Grade

I.S. 275



Poverty Does Not Have to Equal Poor Nutrition:

A School-wide Nutrition Education Program





Disruptive behavior in the classroom interferes with the teacher's ability to achieve stated objectives and prevents other students from learning.  Most children in elementary school have witnessed or experienced a student that is disruptive in class.  This has become a major concern!  It is extremely frustrating for students who are eager to learn and also reinforces examples of negative behavior.  There have been several policies put in place in the past to encourage students to improve but most of them were at best poor attempts.


The dominate influence for a child is usually their home environment.  Sometimes children act out in school because of living conditions or problems they are facing in their personal lives.  It is a must that we make a sound attempt to identify any situation at home that would cause a child to act inappropriately at school.  Some of these students are suspended and even sent to other schools without receiving type of intervention that they need. A school based parent involvement intervention program can help not just one child but all children.



You have been asked by your Principal to research the problem of disruptive behavior in the elementary school classroom and parent involvement intervention programs.  She wants you to design a school based program to get parents more involved with the discipline necessary for the student to become a more responsible and active member of the class.  To do this you must use the following six-step public policy approach and refer to the resources.



Step One:

Put together a team of student representatives to make up a committee to look at current school discipline policy.  Once the committee is established have a meeting with school administration to get a copy of the policy and to discuss what measures are actually taken.


Step Two:

  1. Define and describe the problem
  2. Gather the evidence
  3. Identify the causes of the problem
  4. Describe and evaluate existing policies
  5. Develop several policy solutions
  6. Select the best policy


Step Three

Once the committee has gathered their research they will formulate a school based parent intervention program to present to the Principal


Step Four

Meet with the Principal to discuss proposed school based parent intervention program and possible implementation of said program.





School based parent intervention program:













*Problem well identified and thoroughly researched

*All six steps of the PPA  are thoroughly addressed

*Evidence of notes and action research

*Problem identified and reasonably well researched

*All six steps of the PPA are addressed,

*Problem identified with limited research.

*All steps of the PPA are addressed,


*Problem identified but research is lacking

*Incomplete work

Written Proposal

*Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and sentence structure

*Thoroughly addresses each of the six different parts (see Task)


*Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or sentence structure.

* Addresses each of the six different parts

*Well organized, but illogical sequencing and sentence structure.

* Barely addresses each of the six different parts

*Weakly organized.


*Does not address each of the six different parts


*Social problem introduced with authority based on information

*Utilizes clear and helpful visual aids

*Generate and field questions and responses from audience around their topic of discussion.

*Every member in group participates in presentation.

*Social problem introduced with some authority

*Visual aids used

*Generate questions and responses.

*Most members of group participate.

*Students state the social problem

*Students require  prompts to generate questions

*Limited participation within the group

*Teacher generates discussion

Group cooperation

*Group establishes and maintains an equal distribution of labor among all participants. 

*Differences are dealt with maturely and students exercise listening skills, leadership skills, and compromise skills


*Group makes attempts to maintain an equal distribution of labor among all participants.

*Almost all differences are dealt with maturely and students exercise listening skills, leadership skills, and compromise skills

*Groups make unsuccessful attempts to maintain an equal distribution of labor among all participants.

*Only some differences are dealt with maturely as students attempt to exercise listening skills, leadership skills, and compromise skills

*Group is unable to equally distribute work.

*Differences are not dealt with maturely






Standard 1:   Language for Information and Understanding

Standard 2:   Language for Literary Response and Expression

Standard 3:   Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Standard 4:   Language for Social Interaction

Standard 5 (Social Studies):   Civics, Citizenship, and Government



By completing this PPA Webquest, you have now learned how to identify disruptive behavior and research policies and programs.  As a Public Policy Analyst, you have identified the causes of the problem, provided evidence, researched the current policies, and creative an intervention program.  As a result of this project, you have learned to create a school based parent intervention program.