Ronnice Little

Mahalia Jackson Elementary School

For Literacy and Arts

Fifth Grade

P.S. 123




Students Against Violence in Education:

A Bullying Prevention Plan





A bully is a quarrelsome child who teases, threatens or torments another person.  In other words bullies are angry kids.  Bullying in school has become and out of control problem in our school and in many schools across the United States.  Situations that began with one student bullying another have often ended in suicide, murder and of course kids going to jail.



You have been appointed by your school’s S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence in Education) Director to investigate the problem of bullying in the school.  It will be your task to develop a Bullying Prevention Plan.  The plan may be adopted by all of the other schools in Harlem so take this very seriously and do the best you can.


Based on your investigation you will prepare a 2-3 page report and give an oral presentation to your class.



Next You will complete the following six steps: (Each step is linked to a worksheet that you will complete one by one.)


v     Students should divide into pairs.


v     Use the 6-step Public Policy format which you have already learned. Complete the handouts given to collect information for each step.


1. Define the problem

2. Gather evidence

3. Identify causes

4. Evaluate a policy

5. Develop solutions

6. Select the best solution


v     Go to the PPA and complete the worksheets:


1.         Identify and define the problem of bullying in elementary school in Harlem.  Use the worksheet found at the website:



2.         Gather evidence for this problem and complete worksheets.



3.         Identify the causes and effects bullying in elementary school in Harlem by using the worksheet found at the website: 



4.         Create three of your own public policies that will address the social problem of bullying in elementary school in Harlem.  Use the worksheets found at: and


6.         Finally, evaluate the effectiveness of your public policy solutions and select the best solution to solve the problem of bullying in elementary school in Harlem by using the worksheet found at the website:




After you have completed the six steps you will prepare your final 2-3 page report.













Oral Presentation

No knowledge of the uses of PPA .

Presents no data to support the proposed policy.

Little knowledge of the uses of PPA.

Presents several sources of data in a logical format to support the proposed policy.

Acceptable amount of knowledge Of the uses of PPA.

Presents  several sources of data in a logical and organized format to support the proposed policy.

Superior knowledge of the uses of PPA.

Presents an exceptional amount of data to support the proposed policy.


Links are not relevant to support the proposed policy.

Enough links but few support the proposed policy.

Many links that support the proposed policy.

All links support the proposed policy.

Report & Worksheets



Does not use the conventions of standard written English.

Weak usage of the conventions of Standard Written English.

Acceptable usage of the conventions of Standard Written English

Superior use of the conventions of Standard Written English




E3c- Prepare and deliver individual presentation.

E2a- Produce a report of information

E1c- Read and comprehend informational materials

E1d- Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of public documents

E1e- Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of functional documents

E3b- Participate in group meetings

E4a- Demonstrate an understanding of the rules of the English language in written and oral work




By completing this PPA Webquest, you have now learned how to identify bullying behavior and know strategies for how to prevent it.  As a Public Policy Analyst, you have identified the causes of the problem, provided evidence, researched the current policies, and creative an intervention program.  As a result of this project, you have learned to create a school based parent intervention program.