Rain Forest Webquest

Montessori School 27

5th & 6th Grades

Ms. Pirrotta








Oxygen is being depleted from our planet!  Rainforests are shrinking as you read!  We will not have enough to breathe in a few years!  It will be up to join the Global Rainforest Committee to help the TWO major KINGDOMS of the World:  Animal and Plant.  Scientists estimate that one species of plants or animals is made extinct every half hour.  If we continue destroying our rainforests at this rate, some predict by the middle of the 21st century there will be no more rainforests.  We are forming a committee that consists of the following: Ecologist, Zoologist, Botanist, and an Entomologist.  You, as a committee member, will spend time in the rain forest observing your areas of specialty.  Upon your return, you will report as a team to the United Nations Global Warrior Commission with your findings.  It is imperative that you join today in order that you will be saving the world.



The Global Warrior Commission is relying upon you to find the important KEYS to keep these very important KINGDOMS going into the 22nd Century.  Your warrior team must collect as much information about the rainforest biome to save the world.  

Each team must:

·        Create a four page report which includes ecosystems, habitats, types of animals and plants living in the rain forest.  

·        Complete the SIX public policy worksheets. These sheets will be used as an outline for your report

The Commission is relying upon your team to raise public awareness!  Good Luck Warriors



The class will be divided into groups.

Each member of the group will be assigned one

of the roles listed below:

·        Ecologist (environment expert) 

·        Zoologist (animal expert)

·        Botanist   (plant expert)

·        Entomologist (insect expert)

1)   You will meet with your assigned 4 member team.

2)  The group will decide on individual roles listed above

Each group will create a report should of 4 pages (minimum).  A front and back cover should be included.  You may include pictures, graphs charts or any other attention getting information. Remember to write your title and the members of your team on the report.  Report should be typewritten using MS WORD.

3)  Each member will become an expert in their field.

4)  The TEAM will complete the PPA worksheets hyperlinked below. The worksheets will form the basis for your report and act as an “outline”. The worksheets will be completed using the internet links found under the “resource” section of the web quest.

Step #1:  Input Data: Define the Problem

                Complete Worksheet# 1   

Step #2: Gathering Evidence of the Problem

                 Complete Worksheet# 2

 Step #3: Identify the Causes of the Problem

                  Complete Worksheet# 3

 Step #4: Evaluate Existing Public Policies

                  Complete Worksheet# 4

Step #5: Develop (3) Public Policy Solutions.

                   Complete Worksheet# 5

Step #6: Select the Best Public Policy Solution      

              *Effectiveness vs. Feasibility—This will be an option

                    Complete Worksheet# 6

·         Using the PPA Platform, your team will work cooperatively to research the problem of the depleting oxygen on our planet.  You will find causes   creating this depletion.  Also, you will have to find current policies and evaluate them.  You and your team will have to discover or create the best policy to help save our planet!

·         All of the PPA steps MUST be included in your four page report!

The following are suggestions for to be included in your report because depletion of the oxygen in the atmosphere affects all of the following: You can decide to which step they are to be included:

a) Layers of the rainforests

b) Home of many animal and plant species (ecosystems)

c) Foods and medicines

d) Oxygen, nitrogen and water cycles

e) Importance and location of the rainforests


















Montessori 27


Name: ________________________

Teacher: Ms. Pirrotta

Date Submitted: ____________

Title of Work: ___________________












All questions were answered completely and rationales for the answers were clearly stated.

All questions were answered completely, but rationales for the all the answers were not clearly stated.

Not all questions were answered completely, or greater than 2 rationales for the all answers were not clearly stated.

All questions were not answered completely.



All areas of the task were addressed and handled with a high degree of sophistication. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought.

At least one area of the task was not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought.

At least two areas of the task were not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a moderate level of thought.

The task is incomplete and/or it is apparent that little effort went into the development of the task.


Process: Teamwork

It is evident that a mutual effort and cohesive unit created the final product.

The team worked well together, but could have utilized each other's skills to a better degree.

The team had problems working together. Little collaboration occurred.

The final product is not the result of a collaborative effort. The group showed no evidence of collaboration.


Process: Originality

The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a high degree of originality.

The ideas expressed by the body of work are mostly original. The group may have improved upon a previous idea.

The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a low degree of originality.

There were no original ideas expressed in this project.


Grammar, Format , and Spelling

The final body of work was free of grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had 1 error related to grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had 3-5 grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had major grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.









Thank you Global Rainforest Committee!  Your mission was a success!  You attained important knowledge about the depleting oxygen and shrinking rainforests.  The United Nations Global Warrior Commission will review your findings and the policies that you have developed using the Public Policy Analyst.  The Commission is looking forward to working with you on its next assignment. 

You now should understand the role of the public policy analyst in our democratic society. This political scientists searches for public policy problem and finds solutions that help the lives of millions. You also should have learned the delicate balance that exists on our planet. Disturbing any part of it destroys the whole. You will inherit the world around you; let’s hope your policies have kept it safe for all generations. Thanks for your participation. Let’s hope you made a difference!



Science standards


ELA standards