Webster v. Reproductive Health Services: Facts

In June 1986 the governor of Missouri signed into law a statute which amended the existing state law concerning unborn children and abortions. The statute's provisions included; (1) a preamble which stated that life begins at conception and the unborn have protectable interests, (2) sections which prohibited the use of public employees and facilities to perform or assist abortions not necessary to save the life of the mother, (3) a section which prohibited the use of public funds for the purpose of encouraging or counseling a woman to have an abortion not necessary to save her life, and (4) a section which required that, prior to performing an abortion on any woman who a physician has reason to believe is carrying an unborn child of 20 or more weeks' gestation age, the physician ascertain whether the unborn child is viable by performing necessary medical examinations and tests.

Now you can proceed to the visual of this case.