New Jersey v. T.L.O.:The Precedents

Here are a list of precedents for the case.

Mapp v. Ohio (1961): The Federal Constitution, by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures by state officers.

West Virginia v. Barnette (1943): The Fourteenth Amendment, as now applied to the states, protects the citizen against the State itself and all of its creatures-Boards of Education not excepted.

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969): School officials are subject to the commands of the First Amendment.

Goss v. Lopez (1975): School officials are subject to the commands of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Ingraham v. Wright (1977): The Court has recognized that the concept of parental delegation as a source of school authority is not entirely consonant with compulsory education laws.

Terry v. Ohio (1967): The Court recognized that even a limited search of the person is a substantial invasion of privacy.

U.S. v. Ross (1982): Searches of closed items of personal luggage are intrusions on protected primary interests

Hudson v. Palmer (1984): The Fourth Amendment does not protect subjective expectations of privacy that are unreasonable or otherwise illegitimate.

Carroll v. U.S. (1925): The Court held that on reason and authority the true rule is that if the search and seizure are made upon probable cause the search and seizure are valid.

Arkansas v. Sanders (1979): A purse is inevitably associated with the expectation of privacy.
