Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah: Decision

The Supreme Court ruled for the Santerias, saying the ordinance: (1)was not neutral in that they had as their object the suppression of religion; (2)was not generally applicable in that a) they pursued the city's interests only against conduct motivated by religious belief, and b) prohibiting the slaughter of animals outside areas zoned for slaughterhouse was under inclusive on its face; (3) was not drawn in narrow terms; (4) did not advance compelling government interests in that a)the ordinance was under inclusive to a substantial extent with respect to each of the interests the city asserted and b)it was only conduct motivated by religious conviction that bore the weight of the restrictions; (5) was contrary to the principles of the free exercise clause.

To see the entire Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah decision.

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