Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches: Decision

The US Supreme Court reversed. They ruled that: 1) the district's denial of permission to show the film was a violation of the First Amendment speech clause given that,: a) the district permitted the use of school property for social or civic purposes; b) there was no suggestion that the film would not constitute such a use; c) permission had been denied solely because the film dealt with an otherwise permissible subject from a religious standpoint; 2) it would not be a violation of the First Amendment's establishment of religion clause to permit the church to show the film and; 3) the district's denial could not be justified on the grounds that: a) the churches use of school property would lead to threats of public unrest and even violence, or b) the purpose of the board's access rules was to promote the interests of the public in general rather than sectarian or other private interests.

To see the entire Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches decision.

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