Possible Corrections


Social Problem Statements:  The statements below could be restated to become acceptable social problems.  Remember that good problem statements should not contain causes or policies, and should identify a specific location. 


Acceptable examples:


The teen pregnancy rate at Truman H.S. is unacceptable.

Teenage obesity in NYS is increasing.

Today, there are large numbers of illegal immigrants in AZ. 



1.    Should we have the death penalty in NYS? 


There is too much violent crime (murders/rapes) in New York State.


2.    What is the best way to stop global warming in the U.S.? 


Global warming is increasing in the U.S.


3.    Too many guns are on the streets.  


Gun violence is causing unacceptable numbers of deaths in the U.S.


4.    I oversleep sometimes and miss first period.  


Student tardiness at CNS is too high.


5.    The social problem is cancer that is caused by smoking. 


Lung cancer is taking too many lives in the U.S.